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Getting More out of Your Telecom Expense Management Provider
Expense management can mean a lot of different things to different companies. However, when it comes to telecom expense management most organizations can expect a

What we know about the new iPhone 13 including Satellite Connectivity
September marks the month we get closer to seeing Apples new product line which includes the iPhone 13 and the Apple Watch Series 7. Last

Security and Fraud Considerations with Unified Communications as a Services (UCaaS)
UCaaS Avoiding fraud will always be an ongoing problem for organizations. Companies can put specific measures in place to combat fraud but the fact is,

How DaaS Solves the Problems of the Tech Life Cycle for Companies
The “as a Service” movement is sweeping worldwide, and Devices-as-a-Service (DaaS) is part of that wave. With all of the “as-a-Services” available and the variety

Fortune® 200 Service Company Case Study – Expense Management & Contract Negotiations.
The Client A Fortune® 200 service company with over 2,000 locations nationwide and a monthly telecom spend of $1.6 million. This company faced a $1

Fortune ® 500 Energy Company – Wireless Expense Management & Optimization
The Client A Fortune® 500 company with 1800+ devices issued with a spend of $187K per month. The client was averaging $101 per month usage

Two Time ROI Champion – Hallie Barbosa
For 2 consecutive months now, Teligistics Hallie Barbosa has won our ROI Champion award! Teligistics ROI Champions are awarded every month to those that go above and beyond

What is the right mobile strategy for me?
Businesses across all industries have embraced mobile operational workflows and together devote almost $2 trillion annually to maintaining these mission-critical processes, according to research from

RFP 101: What’s Included, How to Submit and More
RFP 101: What’s Included, How to Submit and More The request for proposal process ranks among the most hated operational functions. Why? Developing these service